Interviewing and Observing Other Users

Interviewing Other Users

In order to gather a lot of opinions about hand drying methods, I sent out a Google form! The questions on the form were:

  1. What is your preferred method for cleaning your hands?
  2. Using soap and water, how long do you wash your hands for? (in seconds)
  3. What is your preferred method for drying your hands in a public restroom?
  4. Why is this your preferred hand drying method?
  5. What do you think about air hand dryers?
  6. What is your preferred style of air hand dryer? (This question had images to go with it, see the photo!)
Dryer Types from Survey

The results from the google form were very interesting. I captured the hand washing/drying opinions of 37 people. They were 18-67 years old, 10 male, 27 female, 31 MIT affiliates, and 10 non-MIT affiliates. Here's what I found:

Question 1 Results
Question 1
Question 2 Results
Question 2
Question 3 Results
Question 3
Question 6 Results
Question 6

Quotes from Other Users

Questions 4 and 5 of my form comprised a section for users to write comments about their preferred hand drying methods. Here are some of the highlights:

Observing Other Users

I sat in the bathroom for 1 hour (I know, it was bizarre for me too), and observed strangers who had the choice between a paper towel dispenser and an air hand dryer—both located right next to each other (see image ). I observed 13 people.

Bathroom Setup

Below are the results of my observation. I suspect the numbers may be skewed because I was present. If I had not been in there, I speculate there would have been 1-2 people who would not have washed their hands at all. Also, as a disclaimer: since I am a female, this observation was conducted in a women’s restroom—so no men were observed.